Discuss the discrimination that African Americans faced in the United States in the late 1800s. How did this discrimination effect America’s political and social culture? Discuss why and how the United States became an imperial power.

U.S. History AP Project
This project will address the following topics:
I. Becoming a World Power A.The Imperialist Vision
B.The Spanish- American War
C. New American Diplomacy II.The Progressive Movement A.The Roots of Progressivism
Roosevelt in Office
C.The Taft Administration D.The Wilson Years
III. World War 1 and Its Aftermath
A.The United States Enters World War I
B.The Home Front
A Bloody Conflict
D.The War’s Impact
IV.The Jazz Age
A Clash of Values
Cultural Innovations
African American Culture V. Normalcy and Good Times
A. Presidential Politics
B. A Growing Economy
C.The Policies of Prosperity

VI.The Great Depression Begins
Causes of the Depression
Life During the Depression
Hoover Responds
This packet contains ten mini essays and two essays.
Mini essays are weighed as four points each, and essays as thirty points each.
Part I Mini Essays- 40 points, 4 points each
Each mini essay must meet the listed requirements.

Must be typed and double-spaced to receive any points.
Must address all parts of the questions using correct facts.
Must have correct punctuation, sentence structure, and spelling.
Must be at least 75 words and have adequate depth.
Historical skills, knowledge, elaboration, and exploration of each pertinent fact are required to show excellence.
You are required to answer all ten mini essay questions.
I. In the 1880s the Democrats and the Republicans had significant political conflicts over economic problems. Discuss the economic problems and the position the Democrats and the Republicans took on these problems.
Discuss the discrimination that African Americans faced in the United States in the late 1800s. How did this discrimination effect America’s political and social culture?
Discuss why and how the United States became an imperial power.
Discuss the Open Door policy and its effects on relations between the United States and Asia.
Discuss how progressives attempted to solve the nation’s social problems.
Discuss the American intervention in Mexico and the Caribbean.This intervention had a significant effect on foreign relations. Explain.
Discuss the effects of World War I on the United States.
In the 1920s the conflicts between traditional and modern values shook the country and influenced changes in America’s political and social institutions. Explain.
9.The economic policies of the U.S. government contributed to the economic prosperity of the 1920s. Explain.
10. Discuss the causes of the Great Depression.
Part II Essays- 60 points, 30 points each
Each essay must meet the listed requirements.
Must have a title page. At least two information sources must be cited for Essay One. Six document citations are required for Essay Two.
Must be typed and double-spaced to receive any points.
Must be at least 500 words.
Must have an acceptable thesis that must be explicit and
correct and goes beyond simply restating the question.

Must have informational details and substantiate the thesis
with appropriate and specific historical evidence. Historical skills, knowledge, elaboration, and exploration of each pertinent fact are required to show excellence.
Must address all parts of the questions using correct facts.
Must have correct punctuation, sentence structure, and spelling.
Scoring Guide:
Refer to the listed requirements. 10 points- a and c
15 points- d, e, f
5 points- g
You are required to answer both essays.
Analyze continuities and changes in the U.S. government’s relationship with business from the 1880s to the 1920s.
Essay 2.
Compare and contrast the foreign affairs policies of President Theodore Roosevelt to those of President Woodrow Wilson. Analyze the effects of politics on these policies.