Survey Assignment-Analysis of Class Database Survey: Types of Data, Sampling and Assessing Bias

Data Management Introductory Survey
1. Sex (circle one) M F
2. Determine your approximate arm length (pivot of shoulder to pivot of wrist) ____ cm
3. Determine your approximate forearm length (tip of elbow to pivot of wrist) ____cm
4. Determine your approximate leg length ___ cm
5. Determine your approximate foreleg length (side of knee pivot to ball of your ankle) _ cm
6. Determine your approximate hand span (tip of pinky to thumb of outstretched hand) -cm
7. Determine your approximate hand length (pivot of wrist to your longest finger) __ cm
8. Determine the approximate length of the longest finger __ cm
9. Determine your approximate foot span __cm
10. Determine your approximate foot length ____cm
11. Determine the approximate length of the longest toe ___cm
12. Determine your approximate age (in months – round to the nearest whole month)  months
13. Number of people that live in your primary household (have a designated sleeping place)  ppl
14. Number of computers in your house _
15. What ‘floor’ do you sleep on (1st, 2nd, 10th. etc.)
16. How many different occasions have you consumed marijuana or a marijuana related product in the past month
17. How many different occasions have you consumed an alcohol related product in the past month
18. How many different occasions have you consumed an illegal drug (illegal to all Canadians) in the past month
19. How many test/quizzes have you cheated on in your academic career (numeric answer please)
20. Do you think Mr. Henley is cool? (circle one) Y Y
21. What is your natural hair colour?
22. What is your current hair colour?
23. What colour is your cell phone?
24. What colour is your cell phone case (dominant)
25. What is your favorite subject?
a. Math b. Science c. History d. Geography f. English g. Languages
26. What is your favorite TV series?
a. Game of Thrones b. Riverdale c. The Mandalorian d. Breaking Bad e. Stranger Things
27. What is your favorite Holiday Movie? (Circle one)
a. Elf b. Polar Express c. Christmas Vacation d. Home Alone e. other (specify)
28. What math course did you take in grade 11? (Circle one) 11M 11U
29. What mark did you get in grade 11 math (in %)?  %
30. Why did you take this course?
a. Interest b. Career c. Teacher d. Diploma req. e. parents
31. On average … how many hours do you spend a week doing schoolwork/studying? __ hrs
32. On average … how many hours do you spend a week working at a part time job? _hrs
33. On average … how many hours do you spend a week playing sports/doing extra-curriculars? _hrs
34. On average … how many hours do you spend a week just wasting time? __hrs
35. On average … how many hours do you spend a week on your phone for school? __ hrs
36. On average … how many hours do you spend a week on your phone for enjoyment? __ hrs
37. On a scale of 1 – 10 (where 10 is you love it/them and 1 is you hate it/them) how do you like …
… ice cream _____ … salads ____ … chips _____
… pizza _____ … pop ____ … chocolate _____
… COVID learning _____ … pre-COVID learning ____ … teachers _____
… dogs _____ … cats ____ … spiders _____
… money _____ … math teachers ____ … Data Mgmt _____
… Netflix _____ … Tik Tok ____ … Facebook _____
… Instagram _____ … Pinterest ____ … Snapchat _____
… illegal downloading _____ … Apple music ____ … Spotify _____
… stealing _____ … vandalism ____ … being late
… sleeping in __ … March break _ … Christmas __