Write an essay answering the previous three questions. You are strongly encouraged to illustrate your answer with pictures or photography’s.

Early World History (he Brave New World of City, State, and Pasture: From 3000 BCE)

Write an essay concerning three historic figures of your choice (illustration or photo for each is required) during this time frame that you found to be interesting and that you did not know about before beginning this course. You are strongly encouraged to illustrate your answer with pictures or photography’s.

Write an essay concerning three historic figures of your choice (illustration or photo for each is required) during this time frame that you found to be interesting and that you did not know about before beginning this course. You are strongly encouraged to illustrate your answer with pictures or photography’s.

Write an essay answering the previous three questions. You are strongly encouraged to illustrate your answer with pictures or photography’s.

You should write an introduction paragraph or half a page presenting the three historical figures you have chosen .

You should write about one paragraph or one page on each of your answer, so about three total paragraphs or three pages.

You should write a conclusion paragraph or half a page reflecting on the three questions you previously answered.

Your answers must be supplemented with additional information from at least two other sources beside your text book. Your text book does not count as a source.

You cannot use encyclopedias or online encyclopedias as sources. Online journals are acceptable, as well as online articles as long as you provide your references preferably under MLA format or any other consistent format. You can use our NSCC Online Library portal to start your researches. In any case you absolutely need to provide the author’s name, the article or book title, the publication name and the year of publication.

You should write an introduction paragraph or half a page presenting the three historical figures you have chosen .

You should write about one paragraph or one page on each of your answer, so about three total paragraphs or three pages.

You should write a conclusion paragraph or half a page reflecting on the three questions you previously answered.

Your answers must be supplemented with additional information from at least two other sources beside your text book. Your text book does not count as a source.

You cannot use encyclopedias or online encyclopedias as sources. Online journals are acceptable, as well as online articles as long as you provide your references preferably under MLA format or any other consistent format. You can use our NSCC Online Library portal to start your researches. In any case you absolutely need to provide the author’s name, the article or book title, the publication name and the year of publication.