escribe the background information that explains the context of your paper.

Influenza A Plague

Introduce your topic and why it is important. Begin with a hook that piques the reader’s interest and encourages them to continue reading the paper. Describe the background information that explains the context of your paper. Then establish the reason your topic/research is important. Present your evidence and/or argument.


Create an outline of the structure of your paper. Typically this is provided in a bulleted format with brief descriptions of what the paper will contain. Begin with the subject of the paper. Map out the ideas or topics you wish to cover or include; organize it in a structure that logically flows; implement headings and subheadings for hierarchy.


I. First point

a. Sub-point

II. Second point

a. Sub-point


State your conclusion and recommended course of action. Restate key facts that drive home the points you intended.