Explain your ideas adequately. Simply listing points is not enough. They must be explained. Include material from at least one reading in each body paragraph.

Anu Partanen “Finland’s School Success” (pg. 999-1006) & Jonathan Kozol ““Fremont High School” (pg. 770-778)

a well-organized essay of at least 600
words and not more than 800. Your essay should be a synthesis of the following readings:
• Anu Partanen “Finland’s School Success” (pg. 999-1006)

• Begin your essay with appropriate background information about the source essays.
Your introduction should draw your readers in and lead them smoothly to your thesis
statement. In the introduction, mention the authors by full name and state the titles of the
readings. Include a very brief (1-2 sentences) summary of each reading. Your thesis
should clearly state an arguable claim based on connections between the two readings.

• Explain your ideas adequately. Simply listing points is not enough. They must be
explained. Include material from at least one reading in each body paragraph.

• Organize your essay. Well-developed, unified, coherent body paragraphs should directly
support your thesis. Each body paragraph should begin with a topic sentence.

• Check for good grammar and clear sentences. Proofread carefully.