Life Expectancy=write a brief summary of what you observed

Life Expectancy
One measure of the health of a population is life expectancy. Life expectancy is the average number of years a person can expect to live, if they experience the current age-specific mortality rates in the population. Healthy life expectancy is a related statistic, which estimates the equivalent years in full health that a person can expect to live on the basis of the current mortality rates and prevalence distribution of health states in the population (WHO). Life expectancy is used as a measure of the health of a population – basically, the greater the life expectancy, the healthier the population.
Life Expectancy World Wide
Highest Life Expectancies

Now if you look at the data for men and women separately what do you see?

Now take a few monement to look at the interactive map of life expectancy available on the WHO website. You can access the map by clicking on the following link ( ). Once there, play around with the interactive map. After you have done so, write a brief summary of what you observed