Why is this situation a problem?What steps could management/employee have taken to remediate the situation?

Employment Law
 Court is in Session
The instructional intent of this assignment is to challenge students by encouraging the use of analytical, abstract, critical, and logical thinking.   This assignment is research based, thus you should use two scholarly sources to assist you with preparing this project. Please acknowledge American Psychological Association (APA) in your writing.  Please ensure you have a clear understanding of the use of credible web-sites. Wikipedia.com and other web-sites with “.com” will not be honored.   You are encouraged to use web-sites with “.edu, .gov, or .org” for educational quality. The last page of this project should be a reference page. It is not inclusive of the two page requirement for this project. Please use web sources from scholarly and peer-reviewed databases or journals for proper credit.
Part I
Prepare an analysis of the problem that includes:
–Why is this situation a problem?
–What steps could management/employee have taken to remediate the situation?
–Does management/employee have the resources needed to be successful at work?
—Does this problem have an adverse affect on employee/employees/management?