What is a Treaty Body and how do the treaty bodies enforce the nine core UN human rights treaties?

Using the readings and lectures, respond to the following questions:
What is the UDHR? Is it legally binding?
“International Bill of Rights”: why were two legally binding treaties drafted in 1966 and what is the difference between them in terms of state obligations?
What is a Treaty Body and how do the treaty bodies enforce the nine core UN human rights treaties?
What is a reservation to a treaty?
Treaty Bodies: what are General Comments or General Recommendations?
Can you identify any weaknesses of the treaty body system?
Go to the OHCHR website at https://www.ohchr.org/EN/pages/home.aspx Find Human Rights Bodies – Special Procedures. What are Special Procedures? Find a thematic Special Procedure and explain its mandate.
What is Universal Periodic Review and what impact do you think the UPR can have on State behaviour?
What role do NGOs (non-governmental organisations) and civil society play in implementing, monitoring, and enforcing human rights?
How do NGOs interact with treaty bodies? What is a ‘shadow report’?