What is the principle of ‘state sovereignty’? What is meant by ‘domestic jurisdiction’? What is the International Bill of Rights? What are the three ‘categories’ of rights? What is a human rights treaty or convention, and how are they enforced? Why do States accept human rights obligations?

Using the readings, audiovisual materials and lectures, respond to the following questions:

What is the significance of (1) natural rights (2) positivism for the development of human rights?
What are the ‘four Rs of human rights’ that Gearty identifies in his lecture?
What ideas and legal and political events contributed to the emergence of modern human rights law from 1945?
What does it mean to say that human rights law has revolutionized the role of the State in relation to individuals within its jurisdiction?
What is the principle of ‘state sovereignty’? What is meant by ‘domestic jurisdiction’?
What is the International Bill of Rights? What are the three ‘categories’ of rights?
What is a human rights treaty or convention, and how are they enforced?
Why do States accept human rights obligations?