Describe terms related to mechanical and structural factors in stress loading (tension, compression, bending, and torsion), riveted joints, and pressure vessels and their importance to aviation safety.

Aircraft Flight Engineer

Describe terms related to mechanical and structural factors in stress loading (tension, compression, bending, and torsion), riveted joints, and pressure vessels and their importance to aviation safety.
Discuss failure modes related to an over-stressing in tension, compression, torsion, bending, etc.Choose your method of communicating this information; it can be either a short essay, a presentation, or a video. It may prove valuable to include a sample diagram with arrows or callouts to label the axes, regions, etc. Feel free to include your drawing/diagram as an attached photo or scanned image. Keep in mind that merely providing a diagram alone is insufficient; you must explain what each item/aspect could mean for a potential pilot.