Analyze the importance of such values as justice, dissent, and equality to the functioning of republican government.

SLP Progress Report

1. Analyze the importance of such values as justice, dissent, and equality to the functioning of republican government.

2. Explain the importance of the Constitution and the structure of the government it creates to the preservation of individual rights.

3. Reflect on the relevance of the values discussed to their work and personal lives.

4. Assess the benefits of changes in race and gender equality for the individual and governance.

5. Synthesize ideas about the challenges posed, to the individual and to governance, by globalization and immigration.

6. Assess the impact of large changes in modern society on their work and personal lives.

7. Explain the relationship between engaged citizenship and the functioning of a republican form of government.

8. Synthesize ideas about the duty of individual citizens to promote engaged citizenship.

9. Assess the impact on their communities of their own acts of engaged citizenship.