Write about your own identity, for example what you consider as your identity in terms of gender, religion, culture, ethnicity, sexuality, nationality, etc what you write about is entirely your own choice – it just sets the context for section two.

Assignment 1
Taking elements of your own life story as a starting point, choose one several aspects of your identity and examine them by using theoretical texts and ideas discussed in the lectures.
This assignment consists of two sections. The first section of appr, 500 words should be a short piece of autobiography where you write about your own identity, for example what you consider as your identity in terms of gender, religion, culture, ethnicity, sexuality, nationality, etc what you write about is entirely your own choice – it just sets the context for section two.
In the second section of 2000 words you will them comment on this aspect of your identity by drawing on the readings we have discussed in this module. Tell your reader how the authors we have read discuss this aspect of your identity. Can you link what you have read to reflections on your own identity? Do you agree or disagree? Are there other authors who provide a different perspective? The point of this exercise is for you to show that you have read and understood the texts (theories) that we discussed in this module, and that you can use them to comment and reflect on your own identity.