Construct a strategy statement that summarises a bank’s mission, vision, values, and objectives, its scope, and how the bank will achieve its objectives in its chosen domain.

A bank strategy for riding the tide of digital disruption and flourishing in an uncertain future

The learning outcomes for this module are:

LO1: Construct a strategy statement that summarises a bank’s mission, vision, values, and objectives, its scope, and how the bank will achieve its objectives in its chosen domain.
LO2: Analyse a bank’s strategic position in the external environment, including both the Construct a strategy statement that summarises a bank’s mission, vision, values, and objectives, its scope, and how the bank will achieve its objectives in its chosen domain.and the industry or sector environment, with a focus on digital innovations that are affecting banks and banking.
LO3: Critically analyse a bank’s resources and capabilities, and identify the strengths and weaknesses of the bank and its products and services relative to its competitors, and the extent to which these strengths and weaknesses are capable of dealing with the changes taking place in the external environment and the opportunities and threats arising.
LO4: Evaluate a range of strategic options for a bank in relation to environmental and organisation analyses, and propose a bank strategy that supports the bank’s mission, vision, values and objectives.
LO5: Assess the physical, financial and people resources a bank would require to deliver its preferred strategy and options for acquiring them.
LO6: Assess the implications of a bank’s strategy in terms of key changes that will be required to its structures, systems and culture, and propose how these could be managed through effective leadership and management of operations.