Construct an argument about which philosopher has the most convincing theories of property by comparing and contrasting Plato, Locke, Hegel, and Marx any two or more of the philosophers. This can include real-world results from their ideas, strength, and consistency of their arguments, or process of elimination by poking holes in the arguments of the other men leaving your choice as the last man standing.

Political Philosophy Class:

Please read the instructions below carefully! A lot is left up to the writer.

Plato, Locke, Hegel and Marx have different views on the proper role and place regarding property. Plato opposes property ownership by the guardians, and Marx opposes private property. Locke sees the protection of property as one of the main goals of government, while economic activity and property are essential elements of ethical life for Hegel.

1. Construct an argument about which philosopher has the most convincing theories of property by comparing and contrasting Plato, Locke, Hegel, and Marx any two or more of the philosophers. This can include real-world results from their ideas, strength, and consistency of their arguments, or process of elimination by poking holes in the arguments of the other men leaving your choice as the last man standing.

2. Chose any one or more philosophers and apply that philosophy to the 21st century.

3. Chose any topic related to any philosopher, and discuss that philosopher(s) and his/their concept(s) in whatever context you wish.

Remember, have a strong introduction, revised last to reflect what the paper accomplished, and a strong conclusion consisting of lessons learned based on what is presented and documented in the body.