Critical reflection statement: Human service work can be seen as an opportunity for social change or a means of maintaining social order.

Critical reflection statement: Human service work can be seen as an opportunity for social change or a means of maintaining social order.

In this assignment students will reflect on the above statement and consider the way in which they think about human service provision. Do you think providing human services provide an opportunity for social change? Or do you think providing human services are a means of maintaining social order or social control within society? Based on what you believe, you will need to reference evidence to support your position. This means you will need to develop an argument for the way in which you ‘see’ the provision of human services and reflect on the influence of your own world view in determining your position.

In your reflection essay you may agree or disagree with either concept as long as you support your argument by including reference to:

1. your own values and the way your values have impacted on your view of the world;

2. how dominant ideologies (as expressed by those in the media and politics) impact on the way human services are provided.