How was whiteness co-opted by the power elite of colonial America to prevent both white European and black African servants from forming a rebellion?

1. How was whiteness coopted by the power elite of colonial America to prevent both white European and black African servants from forming a rebellion?
2. How did rich Southerners persuade poor white people to fight in the Civil War? Why would people who didn’t even own slaves fight in a war for slavery?
3. What contemporary examples show that the creation of whiteness” has continuing
ramifications? In these instances, which members of society are advantaged and which are disadvantaged? Is it possible for some members to be both advantaged and disadvantaged at the same time? Explain.
1. In the old countries of Europe, before the colonization of America, there were many violent conflicts among Europeans. Research these conflicts, and write a paper that sheds light on the social situation leading up to the colonization of America.
2. Research indentured servitude in both Europe and the American colonies before the introduction of African servants. Write a paper that compares and contrasts early indentured servitude with American slavery.
3. This section of Wise’s lecture focuses on the creation of whiteness as a social construct. Take a step back, and write a research paper on the origins and theories of the appearance of light skinned people on the earth.