How effective has government been in helping Americans obtain the “good life”?

write one 5-7 page essay, choosing one of the five questions below. Pay careful attention to the rules of evidence. Pages refer to typed, double-spaced pages (about 300 words per page).

QUESTIONS (choose one):

GOVERNMENT: How effective has government been in helping Americans obtain the “good life”?
ACTIVISM: How have grassroots activists sought to improve American society? What strategies have been most or least effective?
HAPPINESS: Have Americans found ways to increase their happiness since the 1960s?
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: What factors or interests have shaped U.S. foreign policy? Has U.S. foreign policy done more good than harm for Americans and for the rest of the world?
GLOBALIZATION: How has the United States shaped the process of globalization? What have been the pros and cons of globalization?