How has this enhanced your practice – link to COP, which ones (33 pc16)? Has this improved your ways of working having more understanding of the level of power (COP 3:10, 33 K17, K9)?

Promote Individuals Positive Self – Esteem and Self Identity

Reflective account

This reflective account is about promoting service users self-esteem and identity. If you do not know what this means you must look this up before you start to compile the account. You should by now have an idea if what this means in theory as you should have done your research.

For this account you can select either one or more than one of your service users. It is highly unlikely that all of the unit will fit into one service user but you can try. The account should include the following:-
Explain what service user you are using and why you are using them. You may choose different service users. Did you read their care plan to gain information? Why (332 K35)?
One with a positive self esteem
One or more service users who have trouble with their self esteem (could be the same person)

Give examples of the ways in which you supported the individual to see what has an impact on their self-esteem and self-image. This could be a positive or negative aspect but you must cover each one (332 PC1). How did you ensure they could express fears/feelings without worry or ridicule (35 PC14)?
How did you work with the individual to make sure that they identify aspects of their life that was positive and help them with their self-image? You could use this opportunity to link in one of the theories you have been researching such as Erikson and his life stages. If it is an older person it will more than likely be stage 8 (332 PC2).
Did you pace the interaction with the person correctly allowing them to understand the content of the conversation (31 PC23)?
Use this opportunity to discuss with the service user aspects of their life before they came to be in your place of work, what interest they had, job they had etc. and how this made them the person they are today (332 PC3)
How did you support colleagues to recognise and respect the person and their preferences? Give specific examples (35 PC24).
Give actual examples of who was involved in this and why? If you are writing about a negative aspect of the person’s life them it might well be a concern that you are passing on. How did you work with the person to promote:
Sense of security
Sense of belonging (35 PC27)
Did you allow the person to express their issues (31 PC24)?
Who was this passed onto and why?
Explain the need for partnership working (332 PC4).
How has this situation had an impact on the person’s health and well-being? What factors affect the person and how is this seen in their behaviour (332 K36)?
Explain what outcomes that the person has to achieve in relation to their self-esteem? This could be in daily tasks to keep themselves independent (332 pc 5).
Did you work with the person to focus on self-esteem and recognise the impact their lives have on them (35 PC26)? Link into a theory or self-esteem/identity (31 K21, K22, 35 K21, K22, 332 K21, K22, 369 K21, K22).
If you are writing about negative aspects for the individual then who was involved in this and was it recorded on care plan?
Were there any other people involved such as outside agencies (332 PC6)?
In addition to this mention how the person was supported during this time and why it was important to put in help and support and be aware that the person required help (332 PC10, K38).
Did you ensure that you communicated sensitively with them? Why (31 PC22)?
You should also include in this section what strategies are put in place for this person, what is meant by a strategy and what extent are you involved in this. Include what changes are to be made to the person’s care and how it was recorded on the care plan (332 PC11).
How was this agreed with the individual person themselves/ colleagues/ seniors etc? What strategies were implemented (332 PC12)?
What was the role of other people such as the nurse and the other staff and the family members?
In what ways did you approach this in a person centred way? Did you agree with the person how you were going to address the issues (31 K21)?
Explain what this means and exactly how you carried this out with your service user and link into code of practice and national care standards. What makes sure that the prime importance was the persons interests and well being? What type of support did they require (332 PC16)?
You should also include how the person was involved in this and to what extent they can put forward their own needs and preferences (332 PC11).
In what ways did you make sure that you built up trust in your relationship with the service user, link to code of practice. Include maintaining their dignity during this time. Did you use the principles of active listening (31 K42)? Did you pay attention, show you were listening, respond appropriately?
How does this link into theory and factors that may affect their health wellbeing and development (332 K21, 31 K21, 35 K21, 344 K21, 369 K21)?
Why is it crucial that you did not abuse the power you hold with the service user? Refer to French and Raven and give specific examples of how you should be aware of this in practice (332 K15, 344 K15, 369 K15, 31 K15, 35 K15).

332 K40
When working with the individual on a specific situation how did you respect their individuality and approach them as valuable members of our society? Linking into Reshaping care for older people, give actual examples of the ways in which you respected their culture (their values attitudes and beliefs). Link this into finding out what the person liked to do before they were with you and focus on this, for example if the person liked be active or had a hobby how they can discuss this with you and feel good about themselves and recognise their successes. What was your role in promoting their rights, choices, well-being? Give examples of each area.
How did you build upon their own personal identity and previous experiences (332.pc7)? Link this into codes of practice, any relevant frameworks (332 K6).
What was your role during this time? BE SPECFIC.
On a specific day in what ways did you encourage the individual to explore their self-esteem? This should be done in the normal daily routine of the setting. This is called naturally occurring opportunities (332 PC8). In what ways does this assist them build their positive self-image?
Explain fully what your role was during this time and the way in which you assisted the service user to meet any current strategies that were in place (332 PC13)?
Who was involved in monitoring the person’s outcomes? What they could do and why it was important to make sure that the strategies were evaluated and focus on their positive aspects (332 PC14)? Why seek advice and support from others who have more expertise than you in this area (332 K20)?
Give an example of the ways in which the person helped evaluate what was good or negative about the plan (332 PC15)? Link into Human Rights and values 1,2.

Evaluation Section
Give an evaluation of the progress made or lack of progress made? Who gave feedback? Was this collated from family, nurses, other carers etc. (332 PC17)?
Was the care plan reviewed to include new outcomes (332 PC18)?
You should mention why you identify what is good about the plan and what is not working. Do new strategies have to be put in place (332 PC19)? What required adapting (31 PC34)?
Was all this information kept confidential in line with organisational requirements and GDPR, (332 PC20,31 PC32)? Link into the principles of confidentiality, respecting their right to privacy (31 K34, 32 K23, 35 K34, 332 K34, 344 K34, 369 K34, 31 PC26, 31 K37)
What records were kept and how will this help address any difficulties?
Reflection on practice section This can be related to your CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL LEARNING requirements for the SSSC (60 hours over 5 years )
Reflect back on how you felt you dealt with this how you felt that you were able to link in the theories of human growth and development.
Did you find that this was difficult? Could you manage to link this into your actual practice?
Do you feel you had the skill to help this person? Possibly discussed with your colleague how your strategy worked? Did you feel you were:
Carried out safe practice
You must provide examples of how you did this during your interaction with the person (33 PC2).
Reflect on your knowledge of the person, your skills and attitudes towards the situation and behaviors used (33 PC3).
How has this enhanced your practice – link to COP, which ones (33 pc16)?
Has this improved your ways of working having more understanding of the level of power (COP 3:10, 33 K17, K9)?