What similarities and differences do you see between white feminists and feminists of color? What other factors divided and united feminists in the 1970s?  What changes do you see in women’s work in the 1970s? How do you think feminism influenced these changes?

Assignment Instructions HIS326v:
Analyze the intersections of race and class in the feminist movement of the 1960s and 1970s and the changing views of women’s work.
No single feminist voice arose in the 1960s and 1970s. Rather, a multiplicity of voices arose, varying by ideology, race, class, and sexual orientation. These variations can be seen particularly well in the arena of women’s work. For this activity, you will examine the differences in women’s protests and demands for workplace equality.
As you review the sources, consider all the questions below. Then choose ONE of the bullets below to address thoroughly in an initial post.

What similarities and differences do you see between white feminists and feminists of color? What other factors divided and united feminists in the 1970s?
What changes do you see in women’s work in the 1970s? How do you think feminism influenced these changes?
What themes do you see addressed in consciousness-raising groups?
How do the views of work and welfare in the 1970s differ from those of earlier periods in American history? How are they similar?