How did you feel knowing growing up as a woman you would have to take the role of a housewife?

Identity Interview

How did you feel knowing growing up as a woman you would have to take the role of a housewife?
Did your dad feel a certain way for not being a traditional housewife?
What made you step out and join the work force?
Did growing up as consider as low class make you want your own independence?
Did you ever feel overpowered in your marriage?
How did it feel exploring the world with an open mind stepping away from your religion?
As a woman working at your first job did u feel like you were at a disadvantage?
Has your husband ever talked down to you as a woman in the work force?
Do you feel more stable financially knowing u have two income in the household?
Do you feel like u set an open door for your daughter to become an independent woman like you?