Provide other case specific pertinent descriptive data such as culture, race, and religion.

Case Study presention

To prepare students to present case studies for group or individual clinical supervision.

Assignment Outline:

1. Identifying/Demographic Information (2 points): (2-3 slides)
• Describe family members living at home or current living situation for those not home. Comment on members of extended family.
• Provide descriptive data such as ages, marriages, and employment.
• Provide other case specific pertinent descriptive data such as culture, race, and religion.
• Provide brief/ overview of family background such as recent history, any relevant medical or developmental concerns, intergenerational themes, family dynamics, and acculturation concerns.

2. Family Relationships/Dynamics (2 points): (2-3 slides)
• Discuss family alliances/coalitions and their impact- the power structure in the family system.
• Discuss family boundaries—structure, communication, and interpersonal involvement with each other; functional boundaries; closeness versus lack of clear boundaries; degree and expression of closeness among family members; cultural considerations and variations that may be present.
• Discuss family supports and their impact such as emotional supports and social supports

3. Family strengths (1 points): (1-2 slides)
• Individual members; extended family; family as a whole

4. Summarize the problems/challenges the family has encountered (2 points): (2-3 slides)

• Discuss current stressors—ecological, developmental, and familial and their impact.
i. Examples: Interpersonal conflicts, dysfunctional behaviors, environmental, cultural, victimization, mental health influences, etc. and their impact.
• Discuss past stressors that precipitate, maintain, and exacerbate current family difficulties such as those that are ecological, developmental, and familial and their impact.
i. Examples: Interpersonal conflicts, dysfunctional behaviors, environmental, cultural, victimization, mental health influences, etc. and their impact.
• Discuss problem solving and its impact- what has the family done to try to address problems; what worked; satisfaction with what worked, etc.

5. Identify any high-risk behaviors (substance abuse, domestic violence, emotional abuse, child abuse/neglect, criminal history, suicide risk, self-harm, etc.) within the family (1 point):.(1 slide)

6. Goal of family therapy: (1 slide) (2 points)
• Write 2 objectives using SMART criteria that can help this family meet their goal

7. Spelling/grammar/ APA (1 point)