Describe (do not explain) the data in the graph, plus any other effects that may be apparent from the data.

2 separate (600 +/- 10%) words each, lab reports on 1.Sustainable Fisheries and 2.Anthropogenic Disturbance

Produce a graph of flock size at each site. Describe (do not explain) the data in the graph, plus any other effects that may be apparent from the data.

Produce a graph or table showing visitor access/activities at each site. Describe (do not explain) the data in the graph, plus any other effects that may be apparent from the data.

Produce a graph or table to show the proportion of the time geese spent on each behaviour, split by site Describe (do not explain) the data in the graph, plus any other effects that may be apparent from the data.

Describe, or graphically illustrate the relationship between behaviour by the number of pedestrians