How will you evaluate the current practices of personalized advertising on social media? What are the effects of personalized ads to teenage users that you can think of?

12/3/21, 2:34 PMExtra Credit Assignment
Extra Credit Assignment

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Please read the following news article and write a short essay in responding the questions (100

-300 words).

Facebook and Instagram gathering browsing data from under-

18s, study says



1. How will you evaluate the current practices of personalized advertising on social media? What are the effects of personalized ads to teenage users that you can think of? (1 points)

2. If you are working at marketing agency, and Facebook is one of your clients. Now you see Facebook is facing criticism of its behavioral advertising targeting at teenage users. You are going to design a research project to help Facebook for their next advertising/PR campaign?  identify a) the goal of your project, b) the research question, c) which research method you will use, and d) what could be the practical implications for Facebook. (1 points