Discuss the potential implications of your study – what would your study add to the current literature, how would it inform policymaking or service provision, how would it benefit your participants, etc.?

Ethical Considerations
Specify the measures you will take to ensure that each of the ethical principles covered in lecture and the textbook is ensured.

Discuss any other ethical considerations that may be relevant to your study or to the particularities of the study sample.

Limitations of the Study and Conclusions
Discuss the potential weaknesses of your proposed study that could arise in your sampling approach, measurement techniques, or elsewhere.
Assess how generalizable you think your findings will be once more (see instructions for section 6), whether this is a limitation or strength of your proposed study, and why.If your research question is explanatory, discuss the issue of causality. Will you be able to make causal claims? Why or why not?

Discuss the potential implications of your study – what would your study add to the current literature, how would it inform policymaking or service provision, how would it benefit your participants, etc.?