What is the density and diameter in your network? Apply at least three measures of centrality to study the importance of the nodes in your network.

A: Description of your network:
Describe briefly your network. What/who are the nodes? What do the edges represent? What type of a network is it (i.e. directed, undirected, …)? How did you collect the network data (i.e. is it from memory,
if it is based on secondary data how did you collect these data …).

B: Characteristics of the network and the nodes:

What is the density and diameter in your network? Apply at least three measures of centrality to study the importance of the nodes in your network. Report the values of these centrality scores for the most central four or five nodes. Interpret these centrality measures. Based on these centrality scores who are the most
important two or three nodes in your network and why? Comment on how centralized your network is.

C: Characteristics of groups of nodes:

Does your network have any cliques? Describe the k-cores of your network. Are there any structurally  equivalent nodes in your network? Run a formal block modeling, comment on any nodes that look structurally equivalent to you and interpret the results of your block modeling.

D: Characteristics of the edges:

Study the transitivity of the network by reporting and interpreting the global and local clustering coefficients. If it is a directed network, also calculate and interpret the reciprocity of the network. If it is a  signed network, comment on whether your network is structurally balanced.