What is your present career?” or “What are your career plans?” “Why did you choose this particular career path?” “Do you see yourself changing careers in the future? If so, why?”

Phases of Vocational Development Assignment

Interview a child, adolescent, and adult on vocational development. The following questions can help guide the interview:

• For children: “What do you want to be when you grow up, and why?”

• For adolescents: “What are your career plans?” “Why have you chosen this particular career path?”

• For adults: “What is your present career?” or “What are your career plans?” “Why did you choose this particular career path?” “Do you see yourself changing careers in the future? If so, why?”

You can also ask participants to describe how their vocational choices or preferences have changed over time. Next, compare the answers with the phases of vocational development described in the text. Did the interviews reveal age-related differences in vocational choice? Were you surprised by any of your findings? Did your own vocational development move through these phases? Explain.