How do you define “learning”? Is your definition influenced by behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, or something else past experience, other models,

The term “learning” can mean many different things to many different people (Ertmer & Newby, 2013
Thus, no one can absolutely define learning. However, there are several theories of learning that help explain what we can take as evidence of someone “learning.” How you define “learning” directly impacts how you will design instruction (Newby et. al., 2011
and in turn, what kinds of technology you will chose!
For this assignment, you will create a Google Slides (Links to an external site.) presentation that answers the following questions:

How do you define “learning”? Is your definition influenced by behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism behaviorism, or something else (past experience, other models, etc.)? See the Ertmer & Newby (2013) article for help.

What instructional methods do you find to be most helpful and why? Also, are there any methods that seem unhelpful? See the Newby et. al. (2011) article for help.

What kinds of technology do you see yourself using to instruct your learners? Is this technology based on any learning theory (i.e., behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism)? Give a few examples with pictures or video if you can. See my learning theories presentation on your readings page for help.