Why do some insurgent organizations utilize terrorism, while others utilize it much less or not at all?

This term, we have read about many different insurgent groups. While some insurgent organizations utilize terrorism as a tactic, other groups largely refrain from committing terrorism.

Why do some insurgent organizations utilize terrorism, while others utilize it much less or not at all?

Also, why is suicide terrorism utilized by some insurgent organizations and not by others?

Make sure to discuss at least 3 different insurgent groups in your answer. Your answer should be 4-5 double spaced pages. Worth 15 points out of 30.

This term, we have read about a variety of approaches that states can take as they conduct counterinsurgency.

Discuss the military and political approaches that states can utilize as a means of combating insurgencies. Based on the cases we have discussed/read about, which tactics seem the most effective? Which seem to be the least effective? Why? Your answer should be 4-5 double-spaced pages. Worth 15 points out of 30.