What aspects of the change process will you find most challenging and why? Discuss what resources are available to assist you in these areas. Do you anticipate any negative outcomes and what might be their impact?

Module 7 Assignment: Change Project PowerPoint Presentation

1. Introduction- identify in detail something you would like to change in your organization or unit that will result in improved quality of care or other improvements? What did you observe that led you to the thought that a change would be beneficial? Present your rationale. ( choose any hospital settings/unit)

2. Describe the evidence that supports your change idea. Explore the scholarly literature for related studies and/or evidence that this change is likely to be positive.

3. Who will you involve and collaborate with for this change project? Why? How will you motivate them to work with you?

4. Utilizing change theories as a foundation, describe the plan, goals, objectives, and process you will use to implement the change.

5. Develop a detailed timeline for each phase of the change process for your project.

6. Describe in detail, the driving and restraining forces you anticipate arising during the change process. Discuss your rationale.

7. What specific strategies will you use to cultivate your resources (driving forces) and to alleviate or weaken resistance and other restraining forces before and during your implementation? Present your rationale.

8. What specific outcome measures will you use to determine if the goals and objectives of the change have been met?

9. Summary-What aspects of the change process will you find most challenging and why? Discuss what resources are available to assist you in these areas. Do you anticipate any negative outcomes and what might be their impact?

10. PowerPoint must include reference to a minimum of 2 current (within the last 5 years) scholarly resources.

11. The presentation has a minimum of 9-15 slides not including title and reference slides. The balance between space, words/graphics, and the color is effective. o Speaker notes to be no more than 2 paragraphs per slide. Slides, speaker notes, and citations and references consistent with APA 6th edition format. Include at least 2 current scholarly resources. o Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage and punctuation are consistent with formal written work. o 80/20 rule 12. File must be submittcgoed as a PowerPoint presentation.