How will you collect the data needed to see whether the funds you received for your program are being put to good use by moneymaking a difference in the community?

Budget (1 page): Based on the funds that you are applying for, how will this money be
spent over a 1-year time frame? You need to include the following:
● Personnel
● Equipment (desktops, laptops etc.)
● Travel to conferences
● Training
● Office supplies
● Printing
● Postage
● Consultation fees
● Miscellaneous – any other areas where the funding will be used

Program Evaluation Procedures (1- 2 pages): Discuss how you will evaluate the
effectiveness of your program. For example, by administering pre and post tests for clients involved in the program, focus groups, surveys etc. How will you collect the data needed to see whether the funds you received for your program are being put to good use by moneymaking a difference in the community?