Describe food deserts and their prevalence among the black community, why, and how those effects healthy eating habits.

Improving healthy habits in the black community.
Compare and contrast overall general health of African Americans in comparison to the rest of the country.
Talk about the history of the Slave Diet and how slave food has become soul food and why it’s bad for you.
Describe food deserts and their prevalence among the black community, why, and how those effects healthy eating habits.
Discuss why black people have a recent history of lack of exercise (African American recreation centers have been shut down or are underfunded, limiting access to a place to exercise causing a hereditary cycle of not exercising). Diseases prevalent in the black community (with information about the people in general, and information about things that most effect the men and women individually). Tell why black people feel that being “skinny” is a bad thing, and why being overweight is good.
Explain what can be done about it: how to get grocery stores to come back into the community, how those within the community can do to bring fresh food there (community gardens, personal gardens, farmers markets, etc), education about healthy eating habits (with supporting statistics).
Discuss the steps that can be taken to get quality exercise despite a lack of a recreation center and public parks, and how that will increase overall health and quality of life.
Tell what can be done by African Americans to psychologically change their relationship with food (don’t eat and drink in excess, don’t use food as the only means of connecting with people, read and understand nutrition information, going to the doctor, educating yourself.)