How can your assumptions influence how you see and interact with people in negative ways? How can you be more albacore of your implicit bias?

Part 1
The textbook discusses cultural diversity throughout every chapter. It is important to understand differences in diversity because at some point or another, you will encounter someone who is outside of your own cultural identity. Understanding these differences is really interesting and beneficial for you to be a well-rounded professional. Your assignment this week is to choose a culture to research outside of our own. You must choose one that is completely different from that of your own heritage. Describe how their culture is different from your own. Are they individualistic or collective, how do you know? What is the difference between the male and female role, or are they seen as equals? What type of schooling do they have typically offer? What is/are the typical religion(s) within this group? Why are these questions important when we work with children coming in to the education system? What is something new and interesting about this culture that you did not know? Even though there are a variety of questions inside of this post, you must emphasize on the educational system as a whole.

Part 2
Each person is shaped by his or her experiences, interactions, and observations. Because of these unique experiences, we each bring a set of our own biases to every situation we encounter. These biases are a natural response, but unfortunately, we don’t always recognize them. If left unchecked or unrecognized, these feelings and expressions can be detrimental to others. To work collaboratively, teach students effectively, and make responsible and ethical decisions, each individual in the school environment or community must continuously develop their own self-awareness and recognize how their experiences and beliefs impact the ways they interact with others.

In a paragraph, address the following items:

What are some preconceptions, biases, or stereotypes you may have heard about Costa Rica or about individuals from this country?
How do you think these ideas were learned and/or reinforced (e.g., classical conditioning, operate conditioning, observational learning)? Explain.
What factors do you consider—consciously or not—when you first encounter a person from another culture?
How can your assumptions influence how you see and interact with people in negative ways?
How can you be more albacore of your implicit bias?