Choose one (1) of the following questions and write a well organized and developed analytical response

Choose one (1) of the following questions and write a well organized and developed analytical response
(about 550-750 words). Please support your response with documented quotes from the play. Please make sure that your response is well organized, developed, edited, and supported by documented references to the text of

a. Is there a protagonist (a central character who is dynamic, who undergoes significant change) in
Dutchman? Is there an antagonist (a static person, idea, or concept that stands in opposition to
protagonist) in the play? If yes, please identify both the protagonist and the antagonist in the
play, explain your selections as well as how the antagonist acts as a change agent for the
protagonist. If no, please explain in detail why not.

b. Please write a detailed character analysis of Lula. Who is she? What are her intentions as she
watches Clay from the train’s platform? As she boards the train? As she sits down next to Clay?
As she taunts him? How do Lula’s actions drive the plot of Dutchman?