Describe the Product/Service Planning of your new or existing company idea. 

Business Accounting and Product/Service Planning
This Assignment will develop the accounting items and product or service planning of the business idea.  You will use all of your past knowledge, skills, and abilities generated in your Accounting and Marketing class in the Bachelors of Applied Science degree program.
You will create an Accounting decision and Market Planning for your new or using an existing company for a

(1) new product or service development,

(2) market a new business initiative, or

(3) strategies to solve a problem with a current organization.

Consider Accounting and Marketing implications during this course for your business idea.
Describe the Product/Service Planning of your new or existing company idea.  They should be written in the following order:
A. Title Page (include your name, your company’s name, class name, professor, and date)
B. Create the Product/Service Life Cycle of your business