Write a personal ethical stance statement for yourself that will serve as your north star during your career in public administration.

1. Ethics and Public Administration 2. 3. Write an example of a contemporary public figure who exemplifies the qualities of an ethical/moral leader.

1. Develop Concept Map #10 that addresses KEY POINTS in each of the following areas: A. A definition for ethics B. Bureaucracy and Ethics concepts C. Concepts relative to: The Need for Administrative Ethics and Codes of Ethics D. Concepts relative to Formal Rules and Bureaucratic Discretion E. Concepts for Self-Correcting Mechanisms for Mistakes and Abuses

2. Discuss Key Points in each of the areas A-E.

1. Write a current event case example of one of the following ethical concerns and be ready to discuss the case in detail: – Public/Non-Profit Official Abusing Power – Nepotism – Serving Personal Interest vs. Public Interest – Following Authority Blindly – Acting Against the Public Interest – Failure to Follow the Code of Conduct/Ethics – Acting in accordance with one’s ethical conscience despite the peril 2.

Write a personal ethical stance statement for yourself that will serve as your north star during your career in public administration. The statement should describe the type of ethical public administrator you wish to be and should be written in present tense, affirmative language- “as if” you are already the ethical leader you wish to be. I uploaded an example of the concept map. That’s how the professor wants me to do it. The filcgoes will be available after confirmation