Who seems to be the biggest player in this discussion? Start to look for patterns in what is being said and by whom. Think about the sources you evaluated in this discussion. Are they the most credible voices? Do they represent perspectives who are active in this conversation?

A literature review allows you to consider what is known about a topic, and allows you to show that you have listened to the most credible voices in the conversation in your research. It gives you a chance to show that you see how other voices in the conversation relate to one another, as you begin to add your own voice to that conversation. You will consider some of the following questions to better understand the conversation on this topic: Whose perspectives are voiced most often? Why? What are those voices saying? Who seems to be the biggest player in this discussion? Start to look for patterns in what is being said and by whom. Think about the sources you evaluated in this discussion. Are they the most credible voices? Do they represent perspectives who are active in this conversation?