Whom do you “touch” or influence at the present? Whom do you think you will influence in the future?

Cultural Encapsulation: In what way has your upbringing and/or current situation limited your exposure or increased your exposure to other cultures and races?
Diversity Consciousness: In what ways do you think your family background, life experiences, and education influenced your diversity consciousness? What do you think your most difficult challenge will be as you work on developing your own diversity consciousness? What is your greatest strength in developing your diversity consciousness?
Sphere of influence: Whom do you “touch” or influence at the present? Whom do you think you will influence in the future? Whom would you say has been your greatest influence and why? Whom do you admire, professionally (it could be someone you know or a famous leader)?
What motivates you? What are your hobbies and interests? What are your goals in life? How do you want to be remembered?
What kinds of learning experiences are memorable for you and what are not?
What about your personality makes you unique? What makes you different from your family?