Based on the characterization of Snowball and Napoleon in Animal Farm, you will choose one leader to support as the “best” choice for the new animal government.

Like most campaigns, your purpose is to persuade your reader to think your chosen candidate will make the best leader.

Based on the characterization of Snowball and Napoleon in Animal Farm, you will choose one leader to support as the “best” choice for the new animal government.

You will use the propaganda techniques to convince your classmates that your chosen leader is the best choice. Snowball or Napoleon? You decide. For this part of the propaganda project you will use one or more of the propaganda techniques to create a propaganda campaign poster to support either Snowball or Napoleon’s bid to be leader. explain in at least one but not more than two paragraphs (double spaced), the propaganda technique, and what effect you hope it will have on the other “animals” in their choice of Snowball or Napoleon as leader.