Discuss differences across groups in relation to your selected adolescent problem behaviour

Word limit: 2,500 words (allow a 10% leeway either side of 2,500 words)Weight: 45%

Focusing on a specific adolescent problem behaviour, students will conduct the necessary research to provide a Developmental and Life Course(DLC) perspective of this problem.▪e.g., alcohol/drug use, bullying, fighting/violence, shoplifting


Describe the adolescent problem behaviour

Relate the adolescent problem behaviour to the unique conditions and developmental challenges of adolescence

Discuss the childhood correlates of your selected adolescent problem behaviour (associated risk and protective factors)

Discuss the adult outcomes/consequences of your selected adolescent problem behaviour

Discuss differences across groups in relation to your selected adolescent problem behaviour (e.g., gender and /or early v. late onset)

Discuss one option for intervention for your selected adolescent problem behaviour

Use DLC theory and research to frame your paper