Describe where Net Income is shown on the Statement of Cash Flows and state the amount. Refer back to the Income Statement to verify the amounts reported for Net Income are equal.  

SEC 10K Project: Statement of Cash Flows

Respond to one or more question(s) from each of the three categories below.

Category: Operating Activities

1.  Describe where Net Income is shown on the Statement of Cash Flows and state the amount. Refer back to the Income Statement to verify the amounts reported for Net Income are equal.

2.  What amount(s) is reported for depreciation and or amortization?

3.  Are any gains or losses reported on the Statement of Cash Flows?  If so, provide a summary of transaction(s) that resulted in the gains and or losses. [Hint: you may need to review the Notes to Financial Statements to learn which transactions resulted in gains/losses].
Category: Investing and Financing Activities   – Review your statement of cash flows, and answer the following questions based on information reported within the “Cash Flows From Investing Activities” and “Cash Flows From Financing Activities” sections of the statement of cash flows.

1. Discuss any investment(s) (type and amount) purchased, sold, or retired during the current period?

2.  Describe financing activities used by your corporation to increase cash (or other assets).

3.  Discuss financing activities that reduced cash.
Category:  Analysis
1.  Which of the activities (operating, investing, or financing activities) is the primary source of cash flows for the corporation?  Is this a financially healthy way for the corporation to provide its cash inflow needs?