Briefly discuss how you plan on evaluating the effectiveness of the new law. Then, you must present the results of your study

Below are a series of questions designed to reinforce the materials that we have discussed in class and that you have read about in the book. Successfully completing this assignment will help to prepare you for the second exam. Answers will be graded on breadth, depth, and accuracy and partial credit will be awarded at my discretion. Providing incorrect information or not answering the question to its full potential will, of course, adversely affect
your grade.

Answer all of these questions on a separate page. All answers must be type-written. You have been put in charge of presenting the results of a study evaluating the effectiveness of a new law on crime. It is your responsibility to

1) briefly discuss the new law and

2) briefly discuss how you plan on evaluating the effectiveness of the new law. Then, you must present the results of your study (using hypothetical data/numbers/statistics that you have created) based on the contention covered in your book.