Complete the task requirements contained in the case study part

This assessment requires you to:
• Cleanse and analyse data using an Microsoft Excel file provided to you;
• prepare a dashboard in the Microsoft Excel file to present the data;
• complete a series of tasks based on the Microsoft Excel file and the case study;
• submit a report of up to 2,000 words using written communication appropriate to your audience, along with the updated Microsoft Excel file that shows how you cleansed and analysed the data and how you prepared your dashboard.

Assessment involves a case study of Aileron Travel. Review the case study and supporting materials and complete the assessment tasks.

1 Case study overview
Aileron Travel is an online travel agency and a meta search engine that was founded in 2013. The company lets travelers search and book travel options for their flights through its online booking platform.
Aileron Travel’s managers became aware of some negative online reviews in relation to the booking process. They want to gain an understanding of the efficiency of the current booking process and have suggested using process automation to improve the booking process.

2 Assessment instructions
Assessment requires you to submit two files:
• your written report in a Word document
• an updated Excel file that shows how you cleansed and analysed the dataset and how you prepared the dashboard.

The assessment rubric defines the expectations of assessment and indicates different levels of effectiveness in meeting those expectations.

3 Overview

The first requirement involves the development of a data dashboard to appraise the efficiency of Aileron Travel’s booking process. As part of this requirement, you will cleanse a dateset provided in Excel, and then analyze it using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Then you will provide an explanation and justification for your selected cleansing and analysis approach. Based on the results of your analysis, you will construct a data dashboard.
Finally, you will provide an explanation and justification of the results.
To complete part (a):
1. Download and review the case study part (a) and the corresponding dateset.
2. Complete the task requirements contained in the case study part (a) document:
a. Provide your explanations, justifications and screenshot of the dashboard in a new Word document. This will form the first part of your 2,000-word assignment.
b. Save your supporting Excel file in a safe location. You will upload this with your 2,000-word report.

4 Overview
In assessment part (b) you will evaluate Aileron Travel’s current booking process and identify areas for potential improvement.
You will prepare a process flow diagram of the current booking process. You will apply the computational thinking principles of decomposition and abstraction to break down the problem into understandable and manageable sub-problems. You will then graphically highlight and evaluate the problem areas on the developed process flow diagram.
To complete part (b):
1. Download and review the case study part (b) document.
2. Complete the task requirements contained in the case study part (b) document.
3. Add your process flow diagrams, explanations and justifications to the Word document you created in part (a). This will form the second part of your 2000-word report.

5 Overview
In assessment 3 part (c) you will explain and justify how intelligent process automation (IPA) could be used to improve Aileron Travel’s existing booking process.
You will explain the benefits and limitations related to implementing the IPA solution (including ethical considerations) and prepare an updated process flow diagram of the improved booking process. Finally, you will recommend whether Aileron Travel should implement the IPA solution.
Before you begin, you meet with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Information Officer (CIO), so they can outline some requirements of the IPA implementation. Transcripts of what they tell you can be found below.
To complete part (c):
1. Download and review the case study part (c) document.
2. Review the transcripts of your meetings with the CEO and CIO.
3. Complete the task requirements contained in the case study part (c) document.
4. Add your process flow diagram, explanations, justifications and recommendation to your report developed in parts (a) and (b). This will form the final part of your 2,000-word report.