Explain Implementing an Electronic Patient Record and automated electronic observation chart in critical care unit.

Explain Implementing an Electronic Patient Record and automated electronic observation chart in critical care unit.

This assignment is centered around a proposal for an improvement in critical care unit: Critical Care Electronic Patient Record System

Implementing an Electronic Patient Record and automated electronic observation chart in critical care unit. – Please, see the additional materials in the uploaded files.

Total Assignment word length 4000 words:

The essay will contain 2 main components:

• A comprehensive and detailed business plan for improvment [3000 words]

• An analysis component [1000 words] in which you should explore the theory behind an aspect that is key to your proposal:
Empowering others

(Definition of empowerment, empowerment theory, how the change will empower the nurses)

o You must then write a short analytical component which explores and critically analyses the leadership and or change issues related to this business plan. This should be a completely separate section from the business plan.

o You should present an analytical debate concerning the leadership or change that is prompted by your development of this business plan. You are expected to draw on pertinent change and/or leadership theories to develop this analysis component, showing depth of discussion and master’s level, critical thinking. It is expected that this analysis will then help to guide your implementation process and appreciate challenges that may be faced. This must be a critical, referenced debate.

o Your work must demonstrate critical thinking, critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis as is required of any Masters level assignment.