Write a 5-page paper based on a theory in sensation and perception. My topic is (Weber-Fechner Law).

Sensation and Perception                  

You will write a 5-page paper based on a theory in sensation and perception. My topic is (Weber-Fechner Law). This theory will be the focal point of a chosen article. The article chosen should not be a review or theoretical article, but one published in a peer-reviewed journal (e.g., Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Developmental Psychology, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Experimental Psychology). It must include methods and results sections. In narrative format (essay style) start by stating the purpose and research question of the article. State the hypothesis. List and describe the independent variable and dependent variable. Include a description of the participants (e.g., age, gender, income, race, ethnicity, or education).

Explain the findings of the paper (peer-reviewed article). Give your opinion of the articles finding and what you could add to make the topic more relevant to current events going on in the real world (i.e., how would you apply the information to real life). Refer to the APA Manual for Publications (7th Ed.) regarding formatting. Upload the paper to the assignment, which will be available in the Week 11 Module. This assignment will be worth 15%.

All papers should be double-spaced, using Times New Roman 12-pt. font. Margins should be 1” around the entire page. Page length is determined by the given instructions.