Define the purpose and objectives for the transportation system

write a report of no more than 4,500 words that will design and subsequently validate a proposed rail network system for the City of Cardiff. You are to develop a conceptual plan the system that will entice commuters from their vehicles and use the transportation system to its fullest extent.

You are asked to include the following in your report:

Define the purpose and objectives for the transportation system [10]

Identify the stakeholders in the system and their interest in the proposed system. Remember to think laterally about who will be involved, who will object, who will be for it and why, what will be the potential conflicts that may exist between them etc. [10]

Draw a preliminary list of requirements for the system. Describe any tools or techniques used to elicit these requirements [10]

Appendix A shows a developed work breakdown structure for part of the rail network system. Using the data provided, produce the following:

Gantt Chart of Activities identifying the total project time [10]

Network diagram that shows total project time & EST, LFT, LST, EFT [10]

Cost and Resource envelopes [10]

Crash the project to show the minimum project time capable [10]

Validate the systems performance by conducting a simulation of the flow of the rail system from the data in Appendix B