provide a summary of your data set to show your knowledge of the data you are using, as well as summarize your normalization of the data.

Data Visualization Portfolio
Data Portfolio Instructions:
A data portfolio is typically a collection of your best data projects
that you include with an employment application to show a potential employer your skill as a
data analyst. For your final project you will create your own data portfolio by designing and
visualizing your own data project.
This project should be a culmination of all the things you have learned in this class both from the
text and from the in-class activities.
First, you will need to define the issues you plan to illustrate using your selected data set. Your issues should include a geographical location. For example, you might want to show the decrease in immunizations in a specific city versus an increase in another city for one of your issues.
Second you must provide a summary of your data set to show your knowledge of the data you are using, as well as summarize your normalization of the data.
Third you will then create your visualizations to illustrate your answers as well as write a
summary of your findings to further explain your visualization.
Your Portfolio must include the following:
1. Cover page
2. Index of content
3. Your updated resume
4. Your completed data project (see instructions below)
a. Summary of issues you plan to visualize using your data set
b. Summary of data set
c. Summary of normalization of data
d. Before and after screen shots of normalized data
e. Two data visualizations (graphs)
f. One summary detailing each visualization