Based on the security objectives in the following table, design an enterprise encryption strategy—a public key infrastructure (PKI) that supports internal employees, external business partners, and clients. Include the design and reasoning for using the selected encryption strategy.

Based on the security objectives in the following table, design an enterprise encryption strategy—a public key infrastructure (PKI) that supports internal employees, external business partners, and clients. Include the design and reasoning for using the selected encryption strategy.

Security Objective Description
Privacy or confidentiality Keeping information secret from all but those who are authorized to see it
Integrity Ensuring information has not been altered by unauthorized or unknown means
Entity authentication or identification Corroborating the identity of an entity, for example a person, a computer terminal, or a credit card
Message authentication Corroborating the source of information, also known as data origin authentication
Signature Binding information to an entity
Authorization Providing conveyance, to another entity, of official sanction to do or be something
Validation Providing timeliness of authorization to use or manipulate information or resources
Access control Restricting access to resources to privileged entities

Certification Endorsing information by a trusted entity
Timestamping Recording the time of creation or existence of information
Witnessing Verifying the creation or existence of information by an entity other than the creator
Receipt Acknowledging that information has been received
Confirmation Acknowledging that services have been provided
Ownership Providing an entity with the legal right to use or transfer a resource to others
Anonymity Concealing the identity of an entity involved in some process
Nonrepudiation Preventing the denial of previous commitments or actions
Revocation Retracting certification or authorization