What did you think the probability of winning the car was, before you watched the video?

Watch a TEDEd video that explains the problem: “Should I stay or should I switch doors?”
Write a paper that includes:
What did you think the probability of winning the car was, before you watched the video? (3 points)
Information from the video what the answer really is (3 points)
How can you use probability and probability rules in arriving at the answer? What probability ideas does this demonstrate and use? Explain and give examples. You may use other sources as well but make sure to cite them (you may want to watch the extended version of the video if you are not sure, watch the Monty Hall Problem video. (15 points)
Are you surprised by the answer to the question “stay or switch”? Does it make sense? (3 points)
2 pages long, using size 12 font, double spaced, cover page, references included. (3 points)