How would you implement the above solutions and recommendations? Who or what will be the change agent?

Organizational Leadership Case Analysis

Purpose: One integrative case study is included in your reading material. The purpose of this assignment is to help you evaluate human behavior and learning theories as applied by an organization and practice proposing an action plan to help an organization manage and/or undergo a crisis.

On the day the case is scheduled to be discussed, you will submit a paper written within 8-pages, incorporating an identification of the main problem and its feasible solution based upon core theories and concepts learnt in class and the text, as described below:

Please complete this assignment, following the 5-step process of case analysis (and diagnosis):
1. Overview/ Introduction: What is this case about? What is this organization faced with? (Do NOT identify the problem at this stage)
2. Environment analysis: What kind of an external environment does the organization operate in? How does it affect this organization?
3. Problem identification: What is the primary problem (issue)? Write it in one sentence and highlight this in italics or bold. What are the causes and symptoms (if any) of the problem/ issue?
4. Solution: How would you solve the aforementioned-identified problem? Be creative here. If the problem has already been solved, then develop a critique of the solution and make a few practical recommendations. This is where you make use of the main theories to develop solid arguments.
5. Action plan: How would you implement the above solutions and recommendations? Who or what will be the change agent? Be practical here.

The following criteria will be used to evaluate your work:
● Organization (25%): Was the organization pattern (i.e. introduction and conclusion, sequenced material within the body, and transitions) clearly and consistently observable and skillful? Did the organization pattern make the content of the presentation cohesive?
● Communication (25%): How clear and coherent was your writing? Did you make language choices that enhance the effectiveness of the writing? Did you write clearly using Standard English free of errors in grammar or syntax? Was language choice appropriate to the audience?
● Content Development (30%):
a. Problem Identification: Did you demonstrate the ability to construct a clear and insightful problem statement with evidence of all relevant contextual information? Did you propose solutions that indicated a deep comprehension of the problem? Was the solution sensitive to contextual factors, as well as ethical, logical and cultural dimensions of the problem? ​​​
b. Application: Did you apply relevant theories/ models in your analysis?
c. Relevance: Were the solutions, ideas, concepts and information being provided to address the nature of the assignment relevant?​
● Critical Thinking (20%): Did you just describe information, or go further to exhibit critical thinking skills (i.e., synthesize multiple ideas, evaluate the merits of ideas and recommend sound and supportable actions derived from research?