What are the differences in the two reports? Which seems more reliable? Why? Why might Jahangir have possible been more supportive of the Portuguese than Shah Jahan, if in fact he was? 

1. Choose one of the primary source readings related to Chapter 15 and address the specific prompt that relates to it in great detail with specific examples.
“Opposing Viewpoints – A Reformation Debate: Conflict at Marburg” (textbook page  373). What is the issue being debated by Luther and Zwingli?

What would have been the Catholic Church’s position if Catholic representatives had been included in the debate? Based on this example, why do you think Reformation debates led to further hostility rather than compromise and unity between religious and sectarian opponents?

“The Face of War in 17th Century”. What does this excerpt reveal about war in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries? Is it a realistic portrayal? Why or why not? Is it always the peasants who suffer most? How does the behavior of the soldiers in the excerpt compare with other armies in others times? Is there anything unique to that era?  Why or why not?

“Historical Voices: The Bill of Rights” (textbook page 388). How did the Bill of Rights lay the foundation for a constitutional monarchy in England? Was the Bill of Rights the crowning achievement of the Glorious Revolution?  Why or why not?

2. Choose one of the primary source readings related to Chapter 16 and address the specific prompt that relates to it in great detail with specific examples.
“The Religious Zeal of Shah Abbas the Great” (textbook page 404). Was the Shah thinking only of the safety of his Armenian subjects when ordering these conversions? To what degree would you expect his religious zeal to be accompanied by more earthly political motives? Why? Are there similar examples of forced conversion in the history?
“Opposing Viewpoints: The Capture of Port Hoogly” (textbook page 410). Was the motive for the Mughal assault on Port Hoogly primarily economic, cultural, or religious? Explain.

What are the differences in the two reports? Which seems more reliable? Why? Why might Jahangir have possible been more supportive of the Portuguese than Shah Jahan, if in fact he was?